Well, it’s hard to believe that our border collie Flint is now two years old. Time sure flies when you are having fun, and we are definitely having fun with Flint, thanks to Duke. Flint is a local dog, a Border Collie who was born and bred in Lot 16 and our daughter Maia was lucky enough to get first choice (the veritable pick of the litter) when the puppies were born. We were well warned in advance that Border Collies are very energetic and would demand a lot of training and attention, but this was not our first dog and we thought we were more than ready to face the challenge. I guess we were wrong. Flint’s herding instincts and strong personality soon had everyone on edge. His constant heel nipping, chewing and what seemed like bullying behavior were intimidating our 8 year old, not to mention the adults. There was no quit in him, and just when you thought he would be down for the night he would start up again. Finally we placed a call to Duke, and the next day had our first consult. Amazing… is the word to describe the change in Flint after applying the training techniques shown to us by Duke. Puppy Management was the answer we had been looking for. Almost immediately the heel nipping and aggressive behavior ceased, and soon after that there wasn’t even a hint of leash pull during our walks. For our family, the natural progression from Puppy Management was to Ultimate Obedience Training. Once again we learned skills that have made our relationship with Flint outstanding. We can take Flint anywhere and know that he will always be the best behaved dog. And it is pretty awesome for Flint too. He enjoys his morning walk unencumbered by his leash, and almost every day strangers take the time to tell us that he is the best behaved dog they have ever seen. He also enjoys fly fishing and although his technique isn’t very good he more than makes up for it with his enthusiasm.
Rob, Mo, Maia and Flint
Stratford, PEI
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